Little Kunoichi The Ninja Girl

photo A few weeks ago we happened upon Little Kunoichi, The Ninja Girl written and illustrated by Sanae Ishida copyright 2015 Sasquatch Books.  This book features a determined young ninja named Little Kunoichi who, at first struggles at school, thinking it is too hard, she sneaks away to her hideaway and cries about how it is hard. This strikes a chord with me, because my petite struggles in school.  I’ve mentioned before that she has epilepsy and this causes challenges for her in class, and she often times comes home feeling very sad that she wasn’t able to focus or do her best work.  This is something that as a parent is heart wrenching to watch.  The reason I wanted to share this is that, Little Kunoichi is a book she can relate to.  Through reading this book she made a connection to Little Kunoichi. What is so remarkable is that Little Kunoichi finds a friend, Chibi Samurai, he too struggles at school, but together they work really hard and practice and practice and then practice some more.  What the darling duo finds is that to find success they need to persevere and shugyo (train like crazy). This book will become a fast favorite among your petites for many reasons.  First, the story is gorgeously illustrated, my daughters love looking through the pages and seeking out new things within the very detail illustrations.  Another reason that my girls love this book is because Little Kunoichi and Chibi Samurai are exceptionally relatable – they struggle, are innovative, creative, fast friends and best of all they are hard workers and their shugyo style mentality leads them to success. I feel I would be remiss if I didn’t also mention that this book, according to my five year old, smells amazing!  So if you have a petite who likes the smell of books, then this is yet another reason this book is amazing. Read more about the amazing author Sanae Ishida in an interview here with Sasquatch Books.  Here is another interview with NW Books, where Ishida tells us about some of her favorite books, you’ll want to check out her book recommendations they are fantastic.

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